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Green Bay Area Public School District








About Eisenhower

Welcome to Eisenhower Elementary School, where we are "Eagle Strong!" Eisenhower Elementary School has a diverse population of almost 500 students where students and staff challenge themselves to overcome adversity, value education, and embrace diversity. 4K through second grade students are offered monolingual or bilingual classrooms and students in third through fifth grade are in general education classrooms with bilingual students supported by Spanish Language Acquisition teachers. We use a paired literacy model where Spanish language acquisition teachers support students, as well as the general education teacher in an effort to promote English proficiency. 

 At Eisenhower, we work to support students’ social, emotional and academic success.  We believe in meeting every child where they are at, and moving them forward. We believe that parents are valuable partners and we encourage our parents to visit our school, consult with our staff and participate in all the great activities that we have planned throughout the school year. Further, we invite families to become aware of what our curriculum has to offer and the resources used to educate your children. We realize that a true partnership between home and school is essential as we prepare students for long-term success.

Additional activities and services available to our Eisenhower students and their families include the following:

  • Free Universal Breakfast program for all students, 5th grade basketball, daily on-site Extended Learning Program in partnership with the YMCA, Summer School program, and technology to support learning in all classrooms.
  • Academic Parent Teacher Teams form even stronger partnerships to help improve students' academic success. In addition, we have a Parent Focus group that meets throughout the school year in an effort to strengthen the family-school partnership.
  • Partnership with the YMCA Afterschool Program that offers students opportunities for enrichment activities through outside community partnerships, as well as homework help. 

With your support, Eisenhower Elementary School will continue to be a positive environment where everyone is successful. We value and appreciate our students, staff and families! Thanks again for visiting our website! If you are new to the area, please come by for a tour. We would love to show you our wonderful school! I look forward to telling you more about the wonderful opportunities here at Eisenhower School.

Melinda Kapinos 
Eisenhower Elementary Principal
(920) 391-2420
Email Melinda Kapinos

Eisenhower School


School Facts 

  • School Hours: 8:27 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
  • Grades: 4K-5
  • Student Enrollment: 450+

Schedule a Tour

Enrollment Information


2022-23 School Report Card

2023-24 School Success Plan

2023-24 Plan de Éxito Escolar